Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 04:30:01 PDT From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group Errors-To: TCP-Group-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #165 To: tcp-group-digest TCP-Group Digest Fri, 5 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 165 Today's Topics: kiss tnc resets itself often kiss tnc resets itself often? (2 msgs) PK-88 for TCP/IP in KISS mode wnos-5 + dama code Send Replies or notes for publication to: . Subscription requests to . Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 04 Aug 94 19:22:08 UTC From: Subject: kiss tnc resets itself often To: Hi Ross -- There is a timer in the KISS firmware, that restarts the TNC after a couple of minutes of no-activity. There is an un-documented KISS command that will disable this annoying restart timer. You need to send the 3-byte sequence $C0,$FD,$C0 to the TNC, while in KISS mode, and it won't restart itself after that. I put the command 'comm ax0 "\300\375\300" ' into my autoexec.nos, and that sends the 3 bytes to the TNC ( I run JNOS 1.10 ) 73, Mark. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Aug 94 12:44:57 EDT From: "Ross Merlin" Subject: kiss tnc resets itself often? To: Can someone tell me what is going on here? The CON and STA LEDs blink three times in unison, just like when the TNC is turned on, but they do this periodically while the TNC is running. The gory details: tnc is an MFJ-1270B, firmware in socket U23 is labelled "TNC2 1.1.8" (in a 27c256), U24 is empty, U25 has an HM62256LP-10, the chip in U6 is labelled "Copyright 1985 SYSTEK STATE 1.09". The pcb is says "TNC2 Rev 2". JMP4 is open, JMP5 is closed, JMP7 is open, JMP8 is closed, JMP9 all pins open, JMP11 is open, and JMP12 connects pins 1 and 2. As US Senator Alphonese Dimato (sp?) (R-NY) said yesterday, "The facts are irrelevant." There is one hardware mod that was done by persons unknown. A 1000 uf cap has been added between R57 and the tab on Q10 (T624); from there, a 560 ohm resistorn added to JMP J. Anyone know what this does? Is it related to the self-reset situation? Thanks for your help. 73, --Ross WA2WDT ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Aug 94 15:42:29 From: kz1f@RELAY.HDN.LEGENT.COM Subject: kiss tnc resets itself often? To: "Ross Merlin" , > The CON and STA LEDs blink three times in unison, just like when the TNC > is turned on, but they do this periodically while the TNC is running. Yep, sounds like an MFJ to me. the 1278 does that also. The periodic blinking does not necessarily mean the modem has reset to ax25, sometimes the 1278 just blinks, other times it goes into ax25 (standard) mode, other times it gets hopelessly FUBAR'd. Walt ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Aug 1994 21:50:09 -0400 (EDT) From: Dave Golden -- 7-436-1236 Subject: PK-88 for TCP/IP in KISS mode To: Are there any known problems using a PK-88 with GRINOS (or any other NOS variant)? I seem to have a good signal into the local switches, but invariably I have problems making connections, etc after a few minutes. I used to blame it on hidden transmitters, etc. but I'm wondering if there may be other forces at work. AX25 connections appear to work normally even while the IP stuff goes to heck. Thanks for any info, Dave Golden N1IMS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 14:02:50 +0200 (MET DST) From: Andreas Stoeckli Subject: wnos-5 + dama code To: Hi Barry and everybody else at tcp-group i have to reply from here as our internet access is temporarily out of service. personal replies please to stephan.walder @ These are the steps involved when I compiled WNOS5 for NETROM: Step 1: compiled WNOS5 as it is (needed some adaption on the assembler-flags (AFLAGS) in the makefile. Step 2: enable NETROM and NRS in the config.h - file Step 3: Correct the source-files compiling this code now with make will fail on main.c. In line 1149 a struct declared somewhere else is used: nr4_cb. this part of the code is only active when NETROM is switched on. change nr4_cb to nr4cb ! 2nd problem is in mailbox.c: the function mbox_incom around line 182 needs the pointer *cp1 if NETROM is enabled. i added the following lines to the declaration- part of the function mbx_incom: #ifdef NETROM char *cp1 #endif 3rd problem: there seems to be another problem in scc.c (pe1chl's driver). but as i didn't intend to use that one for my tests i disabled SCC in config.h. these 3 steps lead to a make-run with just the usual few warnings. with this wnos.exe i was able to establish tcp/ip- connections via hb9zrh (local dual-speed-digi with L2-digipeating off, so we had to go via netrom for our link) to hb9ccq. i can not yet tell which are reasonable settings for all the parameters in wnos as we did not a lot of testing. after ping, telnet and ftp went thru the weekend was over. it seems to me that wnos whenever it gets a chance to send (when polled from the dama-master) it is so happy it repeates every packet 2 or 3 times...(also in normal ax.25 or netrom connections). i haven't figured out yet where this behaviour comes from. i hope that help anyone trying to get wnos5 up and running. BARRY ----- it would be of great help if you'd send me the docs you have on wnos5 via email ( to the address mentioned at the beginning of this message !). what you said on so many things to do and so few time: the main problems seems to be spending abt 40h/week to earn yourself a living...;-) vy 73, Stephan E-Mail: AX.25: ------------------------------ End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #165 ******************************